on Friday evening....
Kak Onie tapau some Cendol for me...
That remind me of a story ages ago....
around 90's....
there was a boy at the age of 5....
he love to follow his daddy...
wherever he goes...
one day....
a group of foreigner came to the village...
villagers provide with traditional food....
the father was there too....
so do the boy....
since the boy is so adorable...
some of the foreigner ask him to seat by their side...
just to have some chit chat...
having the delicious meal...
Foreigner : "What is your name?"
Boy : "My name is bla bla bla bla"
Foreigner : "How old are you?"
Boy : "This is CENDOL" (poiting to the CENDOL in the bowl nearby)
again and again the foreigner been asking of his age...coz he sound good in english....actually he was told to explain about all the traditional food....not knowing about the rest...
and a man nearby over heard the conversation...
Man : "Adik, dia tanya umo adik la"
Boy : "Oh, Im 5" (showing all his 5 fingers)
that was all the boy himself told me....the rest of the stories...remain unknown...
P/S: The Boy is now all grownup...and he is not well....let us all pray for his good...
P/SS: The CENDOL was frozen, so i dun snap any picta....
moga die cepat sihat yer. saya xsuke cendol.hihi ABC ok. :)
wp xde pix..i can imagine btapa sdapnye cendok tu
hope that boy get well soon..sounds like someone yg agak close to you?
comel je perangai dia....
semoga di cepat sembuh
loveee cendol...rindu cendol kat hometown.the best ever! :D
and prayer goes to the boy... :)
semoga kawan tersebut diberikan kesihatan yg baik..cendol?..taiping mmg terkenal dgn cendol :)
mesti orang putih tuh geram ngan thta little boy..
semoga dia cepat sihat.
hope that adorable boy get well soon. we pray for him.
cendol, ckp time tgh hari panas cenggini mmg menggiurkan. hahha.
tu la..nasib kite bukan retis..xde la segan nak lepaking. jom la lepaking same...=)
semoga semuanya akan baik2 saja.... sejak besar panjang ni dah tak pernah saya nak merasai kenikmatan cendol lagi.. teringin la plak.. aha
happy monday! may you have a blessed week! :D
semoga cepat sembuh adik tu.
cendol kalau pekena ptg2 sedap. huhu.
sape eh budak tu??hehe
cendol? uhh..da lama xmakan..btw, apa hubungan tuan belog dengan budak itu? dia sakit ape? semoga cepat sembuh..amin,
hehe kurang minat ngan makanan sejuk ni trutama ice cream.. so cendol ni makan kalau teringin je :)
but based on cerita ni, rasa tringin nak mkan :)
semoga dia sembuh..
bru td makan cendol O.o
cuaca panas..cantik r makan cendol...
moga budak tu cepat sembuh ye...
so curious to know the remaining stories..huhu~
hoping the best for him~
*kite suke air cendol~ ;)
semoga dia cepat sembuh. sakit ape?
lamanya xmakan cendol... dulu wajib... afta bersalin, dah 3bulan... xmakan lagi... sok ajak incik hubby makan cendol la (^___^)
comelnya that boy..:)
moga dia sentiasa sihat dan di dalam redha Allah..:')
Cendol ??? nyummy.. but its too sweet kan dear ?? ABC i loike !! yeay!!
dah lama tk makan cendol ...slalu makan kat kenduri je.>_<
goooosssshhhh miss cendol >_<
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