Friday, February 27, 2015

Unik ID For UPU

now its even easier...
we have multiple ways of buying it...

planning of going to...
JOM MASUK U program...
at IPPT USM Bertam...

by the way...
this is a screen shot...
of guide...
to buy UNIK ID...
from BSN...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Mini GA by Nina + Anies"

today i wanna join this GA...
its been quite sometimes since i last join...
or make a GA...

1. Kak Ieta
2. Dhiera

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


i was talking to a the plumber...
he is from Bangladesh..
he was helping us with the sand...
and suddenly he asked me...
about the little tortoises...

"eeh ini pown ada"
"sekarang dunia sudah pusing"


"dolu dolu ini orang buang, sekarang beli"

and i do agree with him..
we used to cut out the grass...
even poison them...
but now we bought them...
to be plant at our little yard...

PS : Happy February Everyone...