the other day...
i got this big aka huge pineapple....
(consider as huge, coz its only for me n only me)

so i peel off the skin and the hairy thing (i dun know the name)
taste quite sweet....
(i dun like sour things all sort)
so i ate a little....
was thinking what shall i do with the rest of the fruit...
i just cant finished them all on my own...
and there is nobody at home by the time...

a little bulb appear in my mind...
made it into....jeng jeng jeng....
cut it into small pieces....

put them in the blender....
add some water....

ready to be serve....
you can add up sugar, ice cube
kaw2 punya.....nak buat sendiri...heheh
hai, saya eysha...
awak tanye pasal labu sayong kan? yg plain harganye rm16 + postage rm 12 (kalo lbh saya bankin blk)
kalau yg dah siap fa, rm48 (saya bg diskaun rm40 + postage rm 12)
kalau jadi email saya ye
erk, dah lama tak makan nenas. terliur plak. hee~
reply komen 'Yang mana satu IDAMAN kalbu?' :
apa 'dot dot dot' tu.? share lar. hee~
tak penah lagi minum jus nenas ni... hohoho
tapi kalau nenas separa masak tu sedap... makan saja.. wah~ nikmat
Pineapple juice?
Seriusly, I didn't like it too much..haha..
nak mintak sikittt bolh?hehehe XD
sedap ke jus nenas??? tak pernah cuba langsung setakat ini
gulpp..nk order segelas boleh? hihi
sedap....jadi macam ice blend....
buat aiskrim malaysia pun best jugak ni...err takde lebih ke?
nak minta,tapi macam tak snggup nak minum ..ehhe muda lagi nenas ni..hehheee
tibe2 rasa lain je lidah sebut nenas ni.hihi.
Waah kalau dapat dah siap macam tu pasti tak tolak lah.. ;D
Masam² manis la baru cukup rasa..
jarang buat jus nenas...
nak cuba la nanti...kena letak gula lebih..hahhaha
wahh nmpk sedap..hee
tp xsuka sgt jus nenas tp suka pajeri nenas la rietta!buatkan..heee
for whatever reason...i wud say no to pineapple sebab tak sedap >_< dislike heheh
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