Thursday, March 29, 2012

Call Me Paranoid ! I Dun Care !!!

regarding of yesterday WW photo...
that is my Iswara signal lamp....
it been missing on Tuesday....
i went to Sunway carnival...
its in da evening....

i lost 3 wipers not even a year before
(click here for the n3)
(click here for the progress of the n3)
(click here for the last n3 about it)

i was kinda worry that day...
but since its still is day time...
and i park opposite a few security officers that are chit chatting there...
i thought that Mr Iswara gonna be safe....
but i was wrong....
this time....
i lost the signal lamp cover...
and thats the original set...
the one that i have already replace with a local brand set...
is neatly there....



Deru Ombak said...

Be more selective next time bila nak park kereta..

Unknown said...


syafiqa said...

benda mcm ni pun org nak buat dajal?

Mizz ErMa said...

ish3, ade jugak orang yg macam, apa boleh buat..tuan belog sabar jela pulak jenis yg naek keta, drive, park lepas tu blah..lepas tu macam tu lah seterusnya, len kali b4 blah tu kena chek dulu satu2, mana tau ade yg kena curi ke kan..hehe

Unknown said...

datang lagiks.... (^____^)

نورعيم said...

apa punya org la benda gini pun nak curi. haihh.

eita said...

sapa yang buat keje2 ni,,..
tak baik betol lah...

Unknown said...

tuka lain...hehe ok tak...hati2 la///

Unknown said...

ini adalah komen terima kasih kerna sharing ur luvly month of birth di ww is
moga singgah lagi. (komen copy paste sementara waktu, will come soon tau (^____^))

suzie rahman said...

salam..hihihi kurg sopan toi..sape yg xbertggungjwb agk nya.

ankeljonni said...

wah,... park kat guard pun ilang..

Woofer Storm said...

menakutkan..hati2 dilain kali..

#penang kat mana ea??nak bljr shoot ni^^

kurus said...

aduhhhh benda macam nie pun ada .. huhuh

Anonymous said...

takpaham org skrg, berhati-hati

munna said...

ayoyo...ada juga yg nak curi cover lampu tu ye.... macam2 pencuri ni klu dah nampak benda yg boleh dibuat duit kan

Mia Adriana said...

mak aih. apa sengal org yg curi tuh.

Unknown said...

haha...asal kete u aje slalu kene target mesti ada yang stalk ni...@_@

Zehan Ilyana said...

abangngah saya pernah kena macam ni jugak.. -__-'

dhiera zainudin said...

tempat panas ni~

Jahirah said...

cover lampu pn diaorg kebas...ish xbertamadun betul la.habis semua nak kebas....tmpt sepatutnya selamat pn blm tentu selamat utk park...

Woofer Storm said...

update cpat^^hehee

kay_are said...

kre nye dah kne curi lagi sekali r? ish ish.. manusia zaman sekarang.. bende2 kecik pun nak amek..

AnakPakZohar said...

really? oh my... kena hati2 lenkali.. @_@

Mumystrawberry said...

ok be ware heheh dear

Juliet_iRa~" said...

owhhh..sorry sorry slh teka..wuu

sbr yea...bahaya la park kat sn ea..

tukar y murah2 je la..iskkk kenapa jht sgt pencuri tuuuu!

siann rietta..

Juliet_iRa~" said...

siannya rietta..

so sorry...

hati2 k..jht sungguh pencuri tu..

semutsengal said...

takda rezeki kau tu.

CikTeddyCorner said...

hmm..xtau nk ckp ape la org2 yg suke buat kerja cmni..

Anonymous said...

errr orang sekarang semua benda nak curi

Liselle MonCherie said...

Aiseyman,robbing has turn to a profession,I hope that god pay them "Cash" for stealing your signal!

ch000tz said...

PM kata Mesia selamat :p

Aujinz said...

depa curik signal cover?.. entah entah security tue punya kerja kot.. koh koh koh