Monday, December 21, 2015

Karnival Stylelista Fantasia

it was last nite...
i went over to Karnival Stylelista Fantasia...
at Dewan Millenium, Kepala Batas...

the event was schedule on Fri to Sun...
and last nite....
was the last day...

i went over to the booth that i familiar with...
seeking for some shawl for some fwen...
while im looking at the line of colorful shawl...
came over the owner...

" ni kita offer, dah nk tutup kedai ni...RM20"
i look at the tag, the price is RM26...

so i pick 2 colors...
and then her assistance said...
"kak, amek 3 laa, 3 RM100"...

and i was...
"eeh bukan, akk amek yang hujung sana...RM 20 sehelai"

and she answered...
"mana ada RM 20 sehelai akak, RM30 sehelai ada la"

"eeh, tadi tokey kata RM20 sehelai"

and came the owner
"mana ada RM20 adik, RM20 xdapat, RM30 ni"

and i show her the price tag...
and said that its only RM26 stated...
and she told me before its their last offer...
RM 20....

and she reply...
"ok la RM23"

she pack the 2 shawl...
and hand over to me...

i paid...
and left...
and tought...
"dia ni salah kira ke memang kira cmtu"

PS : Kak, Harga Biar Betul Betul Kak...

Friday, December 11, 2015

Finally, Friday Again...

its Friday again...
cant wait for this weekend...
just wanna lay on my back....
watching tv...
and have some junk food....
and spoil myself....
after having a hard week it is...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sambut Hari Salji

its the story of a 7 years old boy...

Adeq :
Tecer, hari tu kami pi KLCC best oo...
Nek Ketapi 3 kali...
Makan semua free, bawak kertas ja...
Cuma makan KFC ja kena bayar...
bla bla bla...
Lepas tu kan...ada orang putih....

Adoi la adeq...
aitu kakak buat tecer rasa nak bersara...
ni adeq plak...
sape la yang ajar adeq ada hari salji ni...
ce khabo...

Monday, December 7, 2015

BR1M 2016

its already December...
its 7th of December...
and since 5th of December...
we can start update our BR1M 2016 application...
or make a new application....

and i just finished..
my Dad application...

Click To Update Or Make A New Application Of BR1M 2016

Friday, November 27, 2015

November Is Toward The End.....

November is toward the end...
time running fast...
as i always said...
but i overheard someone said...

"everyone has the same 24 hours a day"

then only i realize...
its not the time that is matter...
it is the way we manage time....
that really matter...

Wish me luck...
i wanna manage my time...
to the fullest...
as im living....
to the fullest...

PS :
Dear Mom....
Kakak Is Coming Home....
Miss Me?
I Miss You...
Jangan Nakal Nakal Yea...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

10 Ratus

its the story of a 9 year old girl..

Kakak : "Ni nak buat mcm mna?"
Tecer : " ni 500ml + 500ml"
kakak : " tak taw"
Tecer : " 500 + 500 ...xkan xtaw"
Kakak : " xtaw"
Tecer : " haish kakak nie, xkan xtaw, adeq darjah stu tu pown taw, 5 + 5"
kakak : " oooo, taw taw...10 ratus"

And she actually write it....
as 10 00

PS : Dear kakak, tecer nak bersara la macam ni

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"ZyraRoxx's Mini Giveaway: Buasir Otak the Komik"

today i would like to join this GA....
i love books...
i love cartoon...
i love anime...
i love comic....

and the best part is....
i can see uncle joni there...
and zyra her self...

err have i miss anyone else...
that i know...

since kakak nak payung kan...

The two comics costs RM 30...
err not sure is it exc GST...
or incl GST....

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


today i would like to join this GA....
i love 3D puzzle...
coz i love to deco my study room....
and i have few 3D puzzle in my collection...
the most precious that i have is a helicopter model...
and planning of having some more...
but still...
need an approval from...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ole-Ole From IKEA

its been a long time...
since i last went to IKEA...
and last weekend my dear fwen Ayu...
went to IKEA...
and she bought me this cute...
BLUE set....
Thanks Beb...Love It, Even More Coz Its Blue...

Monday, October 19, 2015

New Red Velvet

just wanna share the new red velvet...
its not the cake...
its the new roses that bloom in my little garden...
Mawar Nan Cantik Penuh Berduri, Mekarnya Tak Lama Walau Wanginya Setaman...

Friday, October 16, 2015

Nyoq Masin

this the story of my senior...
he can even be my father at this age...

it was yesterday...
since we are having meeting at 3 pm...
we decided to have lunch at the office...

as usual...
menu going to be request by...
mother to be...

so yesterday...
we had...
air asam boi....
and cheese cake...

this friend of mine...
he was a little bit late....
then he asked...
"aku nak makan dulu baru masuk meeting bleh?"
and i said yes....
take your time...

he came over to the meeting room...
together with the "air asam boi"
suddenly i heard...
"aku ingatkan laici, upanya asam ko"
and the whole meeting room light up with laughter...

asam boi...
and lychee...
are way too different...

during the meeting...
we had cheese cake...
and once again he made us laugh...
"nyoq dia masin"

the one that he thought as coconut floss...
was actually cheese floss...

Monday, October 12, 2015


i just wanna try out this BlueStack...
where we can play Android Apps....
On our PC...

at mean time...
I just finish installing...
and have not start any yet....

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Eidul Adha 1436H

its Eidul Adha today...
and Alhamdulillah....
My mom is back home since the day before yesterday....
hope this raya...
will shine again....
as its used to be....

PS :
Dear Mom....
even if you are not...
the mother you used to be...
all of us...
love you....
the way you are...
no matter what it take....
no matter what happens...
You are our mother...
You are his wife...
You are everything to us all....
Time Is Priceless...And So Do You Mom...

Friday, September 18, 2015


 Click Banner To Join
Click Banner To Join

Today I wanna join this giveaway...
I really love AJ tudung bawal...
i love the plain color...
and the matching tone...
looking forward the latest collection...
if they suits me...

Here goes my story...
My All time favorite hijab is tudung bawal...
start out with plain color..
then with a little embellishment...

i start with AJ....
i really love the color tone...
and until today...
im wearing AJ...

here are some of my collection...
AJ1, AJ2, AJ3

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Moon Cake

my Chinese Colleague gave me this morning...
he said that its HALAL....
since they are having Tanglung Festival tonite...
so he's giving out this Moon Cake...
to us...

Tiada Background Secantik My Keyboard...hehehe...Nak Makan Ke Tak Nie Yea...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

“Giveaway Chocolate Vochelle by dyan zakhi”

today i wanna join this GA....
i love chocolate so much...
who doesnt anyway...
so tempting....
boxes of choc...
bars choc....

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


early in da morning...
not that early it is...
went up the stairs...
and into my room...
found this card...
in the envelope....
lying on my desk...
when i opened it up...
its from my dearest friend...
so called kakak...

Thanks Kakak For The Lovely Card...
I Love It So Much...

Friday, August 28, 2015

Merdeka 2015

when its comes to independent day....
always and always...
i remember the old days...

but this lately...
i feel sad...
dun really know y...

is it because of me mom?
is it because of the age?
or is it really because of them?

Dear Mr Armies...
please take care...
if it is not for you...
do it for us...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sehati Sejiwa

Lirik Lagu Tema Merdeka 2015: Sehati Sejiwa

Demi ……tanah yang bertuah 
Taman….. cinta merdeka
Kasih …di hatiku ini 
Untukmu ….tanah pertiwi …iii

Dari …..utara selatan
Juga….. timur ke barat
Turut gagah ….Sabah Serawak
Se….hati Sejiwa

Ku dengar janjimu
Bayu Kinabalu
Ku dengar sumpahmu
Rejang yang membiru
Bersatu denganku
Tegap Titiwangsa
Malaysia Sehati sejiwa

Laut luas terbentang 
Bukan satu halangan 
Untuk kita bersama 
Melafaz janji setia
Demi mu Malaysia
Cinta kasih di jiwa
Tidak akan kami khianatinya…..

Walaupun berbeza 
Budaya Agama 
Bukanlah penghalang
Kita bergandingan 
Marilah bersatu

Sehati sejiwa

Malaysia Kekal Sejahtera … Korus Iban Kadazan…
(Mi i so ginavo) kadazan
(Kitai Dekak Mujur) iban
( mi i so ginavo)kadazan
(Ngetan Ke Menua) iban
(Mi i soginavo) kadazan 
(Nyuluk Cita Mulia) iban
Malaysia Sehati Sejiwa

Friday, August 7, 2015

Thank You Mr Courier For The Unlimited Attempt

received my parcel..
thank you mr courier...
for the unlimited attempt...
Gigih Nau Abang Courier Buat Delivery

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Rania Turn's 1 GiveAway!"

today i would like to join a giveaway...
its been quite sometimes i havent join giveaways...

first of all...
because this little one...
is nearly the same age with my niece...
because of her birthday nearly mine...
i mean the date, not the year :)...
because i wanna try out ephyra...

PS : Hey there little One....Happy Birthday From Aunt Rietta...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Currently Finishing

trying hard...
to finish...
this book...

i really love the way...
they wrote...
its hard to tell...
which is which...
cant miss any words...

coz once missed out...
the whole story...
turn upside down...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Kad Raya : ana Muslim

Selamat Hari Raya..
Mohon Maaf Zahir Dan Batin...
Atas Segala Salah Dan Silap...


i just wanna share...
this cute raya card...
or raya post card...
that i received yesterday...
its very cute...
i love the doodle...
and i love the card...
and i plan to make it...
as my book mark...

Thank you anies...
for the cute card...

Monday, July 13, 2015

This Week : Raya

count down the days...
i dun feel like raya...
its already Monday....
and Friday...
InsyALLAH raya...

Friday, July 10, 2015

Flowers On Da Dining Table

hey mom...
kakak had put a new flowers in da vase...
its your favorite color...
arent they beautiful Mom...
please wake up...

we miss u MOM...
really miss u....

They Are For Ya Mom...All Of Them...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

MOM : Its Nearly Raya

its one more week to go...
and its gonna be..
1 of Syawal...

I Wish...
to all of us....

Mohon Maaf...
atas segala salah dan silap...
Rietta yea...


MOM : Kakak Dah Pasang Pelita Nie, Bangun La.....
MOM : Dah Nak Raya Nie, Bangun Pliss...

Saturday, June 27, 2015


its already mid of ramadhan...
and ....
RAYA is just around da corner...

With the condition...
we are having right now...
i do really really prefer....

Online shopping is considered....
to be an easy way...
for people nowadays...
to shop...
especially when...
it hard for them...
to squeeze in that time for leisure....

it is also a good thing...
as we can get the items...
we desire...
with just a click away.. 

here are...
the 4 main reasons....
why i prefer...
and why...
Malaysia online store shopping
is better than in store shopping


find a parking space can be very exhausting...

parking spaces....
are slightly easy to find on the weekdays... 
but during that...
most of us are at the office...
during the weekends....
parking space will be full.... 
especially in hot city areas... 
where some cars are forced ...
to park near the road sides... 
and pedestrian roads...
not only that there are hardly no parkings... 
we will probably get a fine..... 
if an officer caught our car parked... 
at a ‘NO PARKING’ spot...
and that will cost us extra... 
and can be a bummer...


retail stores....
do offer a good sales bargain....
for their customers....
but we can save on....
the cost of fuel, toll, parking and lunch....
by staying at home...
and shopping online...
this is because...
the amount we spend....
on it....
can be channeled....
through solely on our item....
if we shop online...
Big save and easy shopping!


Besides that....
by shopping online....
we have the freedom....
to take a rest....
and our own sweet time....
selecting the items we adore....
whether we are shopping....
during day or in the middle of the night....
online shopping websites.....
have no closing hours....
compared to retail outlets.


This is another reason....
which is perfect....
for the individuals.....
who have no energy.....
to drive out to malls.....
with online shopping existence.....
we do not have to dress up.....
or put any makeup....
or perfume on....
as we can just...
wake up from bed....
and scroll everything....
while we are still in bed....

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hi Mom, Its Me

Happy Ramadhan....

i felt sorry for DAD...
i know he is sad...
but he never express that to us...
love u DAD...
you are the best DAD...
everyone ever had...
we are so lucky...
to be your children....

You are a great husband to MOM...
how you care about her....
day and night...
she is so lucky...
to be your wife... 

We are proud to be....
your family...
Happy Father's Day DAD....

PS : Hi Mom, It's Me, Kakak, With Another Rose For Ya....

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pink Roses For Mom

Salam Ramadhan Everyone...
Its already the sixth day...

PS : Mom, the roses are blooming for ya...please wake up...

Monday, June 15, 2015

Its Nearly Ramadhan

its been one year...
since the huge change in my life...
been busy of works...
without increasing of salary....

but still...
i was happy back then...
with all the backup that i got...

this year...
i dun feel the excitement anymore...
on Friday....
my mom admitted to Penang GH...
mild stroke...

from the CT Scan...
doctor said that, some of her blood vein burst...
because of high blood pressure...
where actually...
she never had that illness before...

only her left side body irresponsible...
but mentally....
she is no longer the mother i use to have...
she dun even remember me sometimes...
but sometimes she quite normal...

i talk to a friend of mine...
he was a medical student...
he said that....
maybe she just lost her recent memory...
but the previous memory still remain...
and i hope he's right...

i dun care...
if my mum didn't remember  the so called new me...
as long as she know that...
she has a daughter...
and that daughter is me....

i have mumbling a lot...
all I  wanna say is...
i wish us all...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

See You Again

as previously i watch the movie...
and i felt the sadness while the last scene was played..
and this is the song...
that touch my heart..

a few days ago...
i heard this song over radio..
and today i search for the whole lyrics...

this few verses...
that really touch me...

It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

while i know the friend is no longer here...
not even alive anymore...
but i miss the friend...
that is far away...
taking care of the country....
and i'll say thank you...
when i meet him again...

How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

i really love it...
when they treat friends...
as family....
and i'll tell him this...
when he come back again...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

UPU Online Extended

the last date of UPU online application...
was yesterday evening 6 of April...
at 4.00 PM...
when i reopened it this morning to check...
they had extended the date till 12 of April...
which mean this Sunday...
until 6.00 PM...

Friday, April 3, 2015

Fast Furious 7 : The Tribute

i'm so not talking about the film...
i watched it last night...
at the end of the scene...
they make it very similar to the real life...
i mean the losing of Brian O'corner (Late Paul Walker)...
the phrase that been narrated by Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel)...
with the recap scene from the previous 6 movies...
that is so touch...

if they...
film makers...
actors and actress...
can show us the truth friendship bonding...
where friends...close friends are families...
why cant we....
as they do....

May We...
Life in the right path...
as Kak Zakie said to me...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

1April 2015

Its 1 of April...
Time do travel fast....
Or is it...
Im the one that is slow?

Been missing the old days...
But we do need changes....
A good change it is....

Friday, March 20, 2015

Yellow Roses

been so busy this lately...
dun even have time for myself...
here is a capture...
of my new roses...
its yellow...
and i love the red lines around the petals...
they made the flower, look cuter to me..
have a nice weekend everyone...

Friday, February 27, 2015

Unik ID For UPU

now its even easier...
we have multiple ways of buying it...

planning of going to...
JOM MASUK U program...
at IPPT USM Bertam...

by the way...
this is a screen shot...
of guide...
to buy UNIK ID...
from BSN...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Mini GA by Nina + Anies"

today i wanna join this GA...
its been quite sometimes since i last join...
or make a GA...

1. Kak Ieta
2. Dhiera

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


i was talking to a the plumber...
he is from Bangladesh..
he was helping us with the sand...
and suddenly he asked me...
about the little tortoises...

"eeh ini pown ada"
"sekarang dunia sudah pusing"


"dolu dolu ini orang buang, sekarang beli"

and i do agree with him..
we used to cut out the grass...
even poison them...
but now we bought them...
to be plant at our little yard...

PS : Happy February Everyone...

Friday, January 30, 2015

Its Happy Happy Holiday

its the last day of class...
tomorrow going to be.....
the first day of sem break...
for one week...

and as for me...
there are no ending workload...
and there is no such thing as....

HAPPY WEEKEND everyone...

Monday, January 26, 2015

UPS 2 2015

its the midterm again...
gud luck to all candidates...

UPS II 2014/2015
UPS II 2014/2016
UPS IV 2013/2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Shall I Do

i feel very uneasy...
since last night...
keep waking up a few times...

i remembered a friend of mine...
ship-out in the sea...
been worrying about him ever since...
coz there lots of thing...
that we never know...

but this morning...
i receive a text message...
from another friend of mine...
saying that...
he was rob last nite...
and been tied up...

i just duno what to say...
the one off to the sea...
is save and in good condition...
the one in the house...
that i tot would be fine....

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Printing Time

Gadis bilik cetak is back...
Its printing session again...
But this time...
We have extra task....

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Books Shopping

It was yesterday...
I went to Hasani Book Store...
Just to buy these books...
For the new anak daras...
And anak terunas....
25 exercise books...
Costs me...
RM 100 ++ ....

Friday, January 2, 2015


its 2015 now...
the number is increasing...
and so do our age..

may all the sadness of 2014 incidents...
be cure this precious 2015...

take care...
gud luck...
and all the best...

with Love
- Henrietta Jose -