Monday, December 11, 2017


- Photo Taken Via Live View On Hangout, During Eclipse on 4/4/15, Credit To Team USM Astronomy Club, KMPP Astronomy Club And Unit Falak USM - 
its the end of year...
been a busy year....
lots of thing happened...
lots of thing to be settle...
the end of the year....
ends....all of the sorrow...

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Hidung Muncung

Picta From Pixabay
last night...
as usual...
i teach the kids...
just wanna spend time with them...
before they are all grown ups...
and have their own ways...
(they are not mine, but they are close to me)

a boy...
at the age of eight....
was interested...
looking at a three year old girl...
painting in her coloring book...
(she used water color instead of color pencil)

and he ask my permission...
can he paint too...
and i asked him to settle his Arabic homework first...
which i cant help at all...
except to look at the dictionary...
and i feel bad about that...

a teenage....
at the age of thirteen...
is helping the girl with her painting....
and she said...
"teacher, adik warna sampai muncung mulut"
which she means, the little girl really enjoy and focusing on her painting...

and the boy reply...
"hidung dia pun muncung teacher"
which he means 'mancung' (sharp pointed nose)

they always cheers me up...
no matter what....

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Story Of Tun Lesap

it was last night...
i was teaching 2 form 3 girls and a form 1 girl...
together with the kids...

since its PT3 now...
and today is science paper...
i pay more attention to the girls...

and this one girl of form 1...
i gave her some task and at the same time teaching her...
about "Penempatan Dan Bentuk Muka Bumi"
from her Geography syllabus...

The task is...
"Bandingkan Dan Bezakan Sungai Berikut"
the 2 rivers are Sungai Mekong and Sungai Chao Phraya

I started to teach her about the 2 rivers...
and her task was, listen to what i said....
and filled the bubble in her exercise book...

i told her that...
the 2 rivers are
1. Sumber Pengairan Untuk Pertanian/Sawah Padi
2. Jalan Pengangkutan Air
3. Sumber Air Untuk Keperluan Domestik
Screen Shot From F1 Geography Exercise Book

and i start out about Sungai Mekong
1. Sungai Mekong Sangat Panjang Dan Bermula Dari China Merentasi 5-6 Negara
2. Sungai Ni Juga Membentuk Tasik Tonle Sap...

then she ask me....
"peliknya nama dia"
"memang la, Cambodia kan, Kemboja"

Then I looked at her answer...
and start laughing....
"Tun Mana Plak Dah Lesap?"
" Tadi Orang Kata Nama Dia Pelik Teacher Kata Nama Kat Kemboja"
" Memang la nama kat Kemboja, Tapi Bukan Tun Lesap, Tonle Sap"

She still didnt get it...
so i write down on a piece of paper....
then only....
she start to laugh too...

and the other 2 girls...
they are focusing in their own task....
not even realise whats going on...

to both of you...
Adina & Anis

Monday, September 25, 2017


as we all well known...
denim are casual wear...
not only for adults but for kids too....
back those days....
denim are very limited design....
mostly are made for bottoms...

but today...
we can see all sorts of variety...
and the best design are....

here i would like to share...
some of women denim design...
that caught my attention...
and soon....
be in my wishlist....

Floral Embroidery A-Line Maxi Denim Skirt

Lace Denim Dress

Denim Dungaree Dress

Denim Jacket

Ankle Strap Heels

Monday, September 18, 2017

Ikan Garang

my niece...
she's gonna be 3 soon....
and she call this fish (shark)
as Ikan Garang...
Ikan Garang from Pixabay

Ikan Garang That Looks Friendly-Not So Garang From Pixabay

the same as the other kids...
she love this song too
Baby Shark Dance - PinkFong Channel From Youtube

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Unknown Call +60301

my phone just rang...
and suspiciously...
the number was only 5 digits
with the plus (+) sign...

as usual...
i dont pick up any call...
from unknown and weird numbers...

so i google out....
and shockingly...
6/7 page says that its a scam...
and one of it mention...
that the call started on 2010...
and now already 2017...

only one page....
saying something about....
an oversea call to Singapore....
via some sort of web/page/app...
but i'm in Malaysia

and most of the web...
stated that...
when they answered....
its some sort of recording Chinese female...
using Mandarin slang...
on the line...

PS: Better Save Then Sorry...

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Old Diary

Picta Credit To Pixabay
Early this week....
i went into my mini library
look for Maths PT3 book
for my friend's niece....

and i saw...
an old diary of mine...

i was forced to write the diary/journal...
in English...
by my English teacher...
during my school time...
years a go....

i took the book....
and sat on the chair...
in the dining room...
read out....
page by page...
and my tear drops spill...
like rain....

all the memories came back....
like a movie in cinema....
AL-FATIHAH to my late dad...

PS: dear sir robert...
i know u donot read my blog...
but i wanna thank you...
because of you...
all the memories remain...
and seal inside the book...
for eternity...

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Thinking Of You

i love craft...
i love arts...
i love poems and quotes too...

i went to a book store...
and saw this book...
on the shelves...
i bought it....

enjoy reading it....
i don't remember all the phrase...
but still...
some of them....
caught my attention...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Panic Button

just check my blog...
and spam comments....
have deleted all....
and just try viewing my blog...
suddenly the above screen appear..
been trying a few times...
still....cant reach...

i read out the note...
"address could not found"
that is the only....
phrase that capture my intention....

the panic button turn on...
while i was checking my spam comment...
i came across...
one comment...
that stated....
"inserting/insert your data"

then i try using other browse....
and tadaaa...

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Island Of Lost Horses

The Island Of Lost Horses
is a teenage novel....
actually i planed to read at least a book a month...
starting last January...
i really enjoy....
variety genre of books....

and last 2 months...
a girl of the age 13...
asked me....
how to be good in English...
so i suggested....
for her, to read this book....

all the books that i let them borrow...
i'll filter first...
which means...
i have to read them first...
before the kids...
since some book...
are not really suitable...
for them....

Friday, June 9, 2017

Ole Ole From Krabi

we just got back from semester break...
its already a week now...

some of my colleagues...
went over to Krabi for vacation...
and here are...
my 2 tokens....

Tq Kak Lin n Ida
Next time bercuti...
belikan la lagi....
>.<      >.<

Friday, May 5, 2017

SMS, Whatsapp dan Emel

Picta From Pixabay
it was yesterday....
the phone beeping...
(is beeping a word?)

BOSS SMS : Tengok wasep
ME              : Tab habis beteri. Kenapa?
(krik krik krik krik)

ME             : Hello, Kenapa? Tab Habis Beteri Ni...
BOSS         : Check Email.
ME             : Ok

Check my mail.....
settle the work....
went back home...
charge the tab....
check the whatsapp....

BOSS Whatsapp (was)
: Check Email. Urgent...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


this morning...
at 11:00-11:10 am...
we join this program...

and actually...
i forget to bring my book...
so i just grabbed one...
that is in my drawer...
a gift...
from a friend...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Phone Case Make Over

i'm still using the old phone...
that i use...
since 2011....
as for me...
since its still function properly....
its still in a good condition....
no need for a new one...

i cant find any casing fot it any more...
the last time i bought a casing for it...
it was from other model...
but same size...
so its kinda suits it....

last week...
i search for a new one...
most of the place that i went...
this is the reply that i got...
"model ni dah xde kak...
phone akk kecik,xde size ni...."

and two weeks before...
i was amaze by the girls...
with their kawaii things....
and i decided to repaint the old casing....
using acrylic paint....
but not satisfied with the result...
i'm not a good painter....
so let me be...just me... >.<

Friday, April 7, 2017


been talking to the girls...
they are 12 years old...
they keep saying KAWAII KAWAII...
and I wonder what KAWAII really means...
and I guess it means CUTE...
by the way they mention it...

but then....
I want
to know more....
I google out....
found this cutie....

not only the girls love it...
me too....

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Lazada Malaysia Big Baby Fair

will be having...
starting tommorow...
29th March 2017...

Lazada's Big Baby Fair will take place soon,where we can find special discounts up to 85%!

The Big Baby Fair: Get the Best and the Latest of Baby Products!
In the modern age....
taking care of a baby can be both delicate and expensive affairs....
the rising cost of life has caused the prices....
of baby care and baby products to rise exponentially....
over the years....

But, if you know where to look....
not only you can score yourself.....
some great deals and offers.....
but you also will be able.....
to get the best of......
baby care products in the market!

One such place is....
Lazada Malaysia....

 As one of the leading.....
and largest online shopping stores.....
in the market....
they are committed......
to helping new......
and experienced parents....
in getting.....
the best products.....
and for unbeatable deals....
that you will not find anywhere else!

From 29 March.....
until 2 April.....
Lazada Malaysia......
will be organizing.......
a Big Baby Fair......
where assortments of baby care products....
will be offered.....
and sold.....
for exclusive deals....
that you will find hard to resist!
Shop for Assortments of Baby Care and Baby Products Online!
If you are looking.....
for a place.....
where you can shop.....
baby products....
with ease....
You need to.....
have Lazada Malaysia mobile app.....
in your app.....

Through the app.....
now you have a 24/7 access.....
to more than one hundred thousand.....
baby products.....
that are on sale!

During one the biggest....
online baby fairs in Malaysia.....
in 2017....
you can find.....
a wide array.....
of products and items.....
that can be used.....
for your babies.....

Some of the products....
that are on sale....
are including diapers....
car seats....
and toys....
among many others!

You can also shop.....
a wide variety.....
of baby products....
including from local....
and international brands.....
that are well-known for baby care.....
including Mamypoko....
Sweet Cherry....
Fisher Price....
and many others!

During the fair....
you can also find....
some of the exclusive deals...
and offers....
that you would not want to miss!

What else....
are you waiting for?
Visit this baby fair.....
this March to April.....
and give your baby.....
the best of baby care today!

Why Should You Visit the Big Baby Fair on Lazada Malaysia?
  • You can find a wide range of baby products that are on sale.
  • Many of the available products are made and produced by well-known local and international brands.
  • You will be able to shop the available items at great deals and offers.

What favourite brand of diapers for your baby (or future baby)? 
My Favourite brand of diapers is....

What is your favourite choice of baby formula for your baby (or future baby)? 
My Favourite choice of baby formula is....

Choose 1 product from Lazada Malaysia you'd like to get for your children (or future children). 
I really love...
to have this....

10 Cartoon Animal Finger Puppet Plush Toys  

since she is now...
love the...

Monday, March 27, 2017

Its Spring Time

Picta From : Pixabay
winter is over...
and its spring time...
at most of four seasons country....

I miss the fresh air that I used to breathe....
I miss the scents of the fresh grasses...
I miss the chill of the water dew....
I miss the sound of the birds singing...

and above all....
I miss My Late DAD...
the ONE and ONLY...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lazada Birthday Blogger Contest

 Click Here To Join

today i would like to join...
which ends this Thursday...
Let us all join....
Click the banner above for more info....

What do you love about Lazada Malaysia? 
what i love the most about LAZADA MALAYSIA....
is its prices....
those discounts....
the COD....

Top three Product picks from Lazada Malaysia (your three favorite products) 
the three product....
that are in my wishlist...
waiting for the sales....
of 90% discount starts....

Sweet Princess Children Bike Macaron Metal 14Inch Kids Bicycle Free Protective Gear  

this cute pink bike...
is for my dear niece....
she been requesting...
for a bike since last month...
but then...
aunty is waiting for the...
pay day.....

SOKANO Kid Drawing Table With Projection, Light and Music (Free Drawing Book and Colouring Pen)- Pink  

this fancy Kid Drawing Table....
is also for my niece...
she love arts...
as her aunt did....
she love play with water colors...
and paintings....
actually we are looking for...
yoga mat...
so that i dont have to clean up the mess...
on the floor....
but this drawing table...
is a perfect match for our art activities...

Sokano Wooden Portable 2-in-1 Blackboard and Whiteboard Easel Set  

we already have 2 white boards....
but they both hang high on the wall...
and i really love to have a black board....
and why not having both...
white board and black board...
as 2 in 1....

How do you think Lazada Malaysia can improve? 
as for me.....
LAZADA has allready been among the best...
online shopping portal....
such an improvement need.....
are only items....
that are not yet...
in the list....
and more variable (sizes,colors, shapes that available)

What is your birthday wish to Lazada Malaysia? 
Happy Birthday....
keep up the good things....
be THE BEST among THE BEST...
give us more and more discount :) ....

March 2017 Book : Cuit-Cuit

I am a huge fan of Ustaz Kazim...
and recently....
i bought this book....
and manage to finish reading.....
one whole book...
in just a few hours....
since there are only...
"Ungkapan Ringkas"
and those words....
really motivated me....

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Genting Highland

last Sunday...
we were at Institut Aminudin Baki (IAB)...
for some short course and meeting....
on Monday evening....
we went up to Genting Highland...
here are some shoot...
that i managed to get...
I was told that this is the new cable car that was launch about a month  ago

The Foggy Sky View

Monday, March 6, 2017

Kategori Waris

today I would like to share...
a few categories of heirs...
that I found...
while browsing...
official site...
there are three main categories...



Monday, February 27, 2017

iSejahtera : Program Kebajikan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang

today i would like to share about
Program Kebajikan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang...

There are six programs involve...

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Pencen Perkhidmatan Dan Pencen Terbitan

today i would like to share...
about two types of pensions...
that i only get to know....
i never notice this before...

"Pencen Perkhidmatan" Scheme
is for a pensioner...
that retired from duty....

"Pencen Terbitan" Scheme....
is for ......................................
referring to Portal Pencen - Bahagian Pasca Perkhidmatan....