it was last night...
i was teaching 2 form 3 girls and a form 1 girl...
together with the kids...
since its PT3 now...
and today is science paper...
i pay more attention to the girls...
and this one girl of form 1...
i gave her some task and at the same time teaching her...
about "Penempatan Dan Bentuk Muka Bumi"
from her Geography syllabus...
The task is...
"Bandingkan Dan Bezakan Sungai Berikut"
the 2 rivers are Sungai Mekong and Sungai Chao Phraya
I started to teach her about the 2 rivers...
and her task was, listen to what i said....
and filled the bubble in her exercise book...
i told her that...
the 2 rivers are
1. Sumber Pengairan Untuk Pertanian/Sawah Padi
2. Jalan Pengangkutan Air
3. Sumber Air Untuk Keperluan Domestik
Screen Shot From F1 Geography Exercise Book |
and i start out about Sungai Mekong
1. Sungai Mekong Sangat Panjang Dan Bermula Dari China Merentasi 5-6 Negara
2. Sungai Ni Juga Membentuk Tasik Tonle Sap...
then she ask me....
"peliknya nama dia"
"memang la, Cambodia kan, Kemboja"
Then I looked at her answer...
and start laughing....
"Tun Mana Plak Dah Lesap?"
" Tadi Orang Kata Nama Dia Pelik Teacher Kata Nama Kat Kemboja"
" Memang la nama kat Kemboja, Tapi Bukan Tun Lesap, Tonle Sap"
She still didnt get it...
so i write down on a piece of paper....
then only....
she start to laugh too...
and the other 2 girls...
they are focusing in their own task....
not even realise whats going on...
to both of you...
Adina & Anis