Saturday, March 30, 2013

Travelog Pahang : Lavender Garden Cameron Highland

last weekend...
went to Cameron Highland...
dont go round that much...
but this place...
Lavender Garden....
made me want to go there again...
Entrace...RM 5 For Adult And RM 3 For Kids

Lavender Waiting To Be Snap

5 Different Types And Different Colours Of Flower

Cute Purple Polka Dots Car

There Are 5 Cute Post Box Of Diffent Types..My Fav Is Love

4 Cupids Monument

Board Of Direction...Those Flower Seem Like Morning Glory...Not Really Sure What Are Those...

Little Bees Heaves...Errr...Kelulut By The Name..

Creatively Plant In Boots...

Huge Princess Pumpkin


Cute Fountain...
Cute People Wagon Sort Of...
5 Hello Monument..


this time...again....
taking TAG...
from Kak Ieta..

Click Banner To Join

Senarai Penaja...


Friday, March 29, 2013


its been quite sometimes....
since i last....
see strawberries...
freshly hanging dawn...
from its vein...
So Fresh...Yummy
Juicy And Fresh...

One Whole Line...Red, Juicy And Fresh...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thank You Little Girl

early in da Morning...
reach the office...
and found a card/notes on my table...
and Im really touch once again...
Im Smilling Looking The Way She Spell Auntie

Im Speechless Reading The Notes She Left Me

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Exclusive Anin

this is Anin...
the one that gave me this chocolate...
the one that call this place Tangle Island...
Anin At Tangled Island  (Bharat Tea)

Anin At Tangled Island (MARDI)

Monday, March 25, 2013

5th Anniversary Mini GA

i wanna join this Mini GA....
coz the banner is so cute...
Click The Banner To Join

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Aku Bercerita, Unggu Karmila Dan Adam

Adding up to my collection...
Ramlee Awang Murshid latest novel...
Aku Bercerita....
Thanks to Kak Ita....
She told me the books are already in the store....
Been looking for it before....
Another one is...
Unggu Karmila....
Been looking for it since last year...
And the last one is....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tangle Island, Here I Come

As Anin called it...
We are going to Tangle Island...
Which most of us called it..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Keladi Rintik

i call this thing as...
Keladi Rintik
but i miss another type of it...
green heart shape...
with pink sort of polka dot...
i hardly seen them this days...
Keladi Rintik At Lata Bukit Hijau

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Im Getting Older

It was Sunday (yesterday)...
I wanna pick up Mr Kriss...
Since need him on Monday (today)...
Waiting for the bus for half and hour...
There was not even a sign of cab...
Made up my mind....
I need to walk...
Since Im running out of time...
Need to give a little bath for Mr Kriss..
Before 7 pm...
Its only 5-6 Km journey...
But i took around 30 minutes to reach there...
Im getting older I am...
(i know....nobody get younger day by day)
I used to walk faster before... turning 18 this year...
So i could be 17 next year...
Happy Monday everyone....

A Little Gift From A Little Girl

She just four...
A very talkactive girl...
Always asking and commenting this and that...
I love to talk to her....
Love to hear she nangging me....
And one day....
One sweet day....
She gave me this...
Thank You Anin....
Im so touch....
Its priceless....really...
It is...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Water Dew And Water Drop

Picta Taken At Lata Bukit Hijau, Baling Kedah
felt uneasy...
because of Lahad Datu may be...
dont really know why...
but every morning...
come out from my house...
before going to work...
seeing those water drop....
and water dew....
on leaves and flowers...
and even grasses...
regain my spirit...
and energy....
make my smile...
appears again....
Thank You ALLAH...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paying My Debt

actually got this tag from Elly...
on 25th Feb 2013...
answering all her question...

camne korang leh baca blog aku?
1. errr via BW actually...dont know how its end up...mungkin dr komen kt blog sesape, ataw kat bloglist....dah lupa...

apa pendapat korang tentang aku
2. hmm...pendapat rietta....senang berkomunikasi...hehehe....bak kata buku manual....user friendly...

korang ada nama glamour tak,kalau ada sila nyatakan!
3. ooo...xpernah glamer xde nama org selalu salah sebut nama rietta sebagai ri-ta..sebenarnya ri-et-ta...

apa korang buat time bosan
4. bosan bosan rietta suka menembak dalam hutan...xde hutan, sawah padi jadi mangsa....rietta suka hijau...errr...tembak pkai camera yea...bukan senapang...

kalau diberi peluang bercuti, mana korang nak pi dan kenapa
5. hmmm...dr kecik lagi suka english country...bukan apa, terpengaruh dengan english movie...jdnya UK lah kot jd pilihan....

kalau diberi pilihan,korang nak gemuk atau kurus
6. kalu boleh nak gemuk sket....sket jew....baru larr comei cam teddy bear....hehehe....

meroyan di blog, releven atau tidak dan mengapa?
7. meroyan? suka hati la orang tu nak buat apa...tu kan blog dia...cuma kalu nak share ngan public...jangan sampai org salah tafsir akan diri kite...peace yo...

bf, gf, suami atau isteri baca tak blog korang?
8. errrr....baca ke tak baca erk...hmmm.....kerr tgk gmbar jerr...baca kot klu terasa nak baca kdg kdg...ntah la...

nape korang berblog?
9. its starts out years ago...sebenarnye, it was my online diary...tapi masa tu mmg private bukan public...since org selalu mnta gmbar n sngat susah utk rietta mail pada setiap org gmbar yang size besar, dan banyak plak songeh nak gambar yg ada dia sj la apa la...pening weii nak publickan blog tempek sndiri...senang kilije....

korang rasa apa jadi kat korang 10 tahun dari sekarang
10. hmmm...10 thn lg entah la...tapi yang pasti nak menjadi yang lebih baek dan lebih berjaya dari hari ini...errr...nak keta baru lah msa tu...hehehe....

agak2 korang,kalau korang terserempak ngan aku kat luar,korang tegur tak? dan apa yang akan korang buat kat aku?
11. errr....klu btul btul pasti, bru rietta tegur...kang salah org, maluuu....mna nk sembunyi....apa rietta nak buat yea????alaa apa lagi...salam, pastu cium tangan lerr....haaaa....

Dear Elly....
kiranya i have paid my dept to you...
hope for an approval...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Najwa Latif In Da House

actually she was not at my house...
she was in KMPP on Sunday Night...
for the English Week Closing Night...
Here are some (two) shots...
She Sang 4 Songs, Such as Sahabat, Kosong And Two Other Songs
Najwa Latif is cute...My Picta Is Over Expose...Forget To Turn Down The ISO....

Monday, March 11, 2013

March Babies 2013 : Happy Birhday!

11 of March....
Happy Birthday Kak Lin....

12 of March...
Happy Birthday Daddy....

Sunday, March 10, 2013

View Of Penang Island

This is some scenery...
of Penang Island View...
From Penang Hill ...
View Of Penang Bridge

View Of Part Of The Island

View Of KOMTAR And Town Area...And Penang Port (mainland)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Travelog Kedah : Lata Bukit Hijau

this time..
its invitation to Kupang, Baling Kedah...
Drop by Lata Bukit Hijau for a while...
Before heading back to my place....
Lots Of Parking Spaces
Water Fall....
The Cold Water...Love It...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Electrical Jug Kattle

while I was boiling the water...
suddenly felt something is wrong with plug...
strait away try to investigate...
Oh My...Cant take it off....
Need to use knife and cut any obstacle there...
and this is the result...
Somehow Its Short Circuited And Melt The Plug Down...Glued Each Other...
Without thinking any further...
(its already night by the time)
Boil the water on the stove....
with so not good feeling...
planning to replace the plug the very next day...
but forget to buy the spare part...
the day after next day...
then only i remember....
i got this a few months ago...
in a lucky draw....
Its 1.7 Electrical Jug Kattle 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Contest Kaca Mata

as i promise....
i wanna join this contest by PapaMifz....

Ok..Lets Starts...

1.Why I Like It....because its like polaroid sort of....(click here to know why i need polaroid sort of)
2. Where I Bought...this time only in Penang, Jamilah Optometris
3. Frame brand....its transfomer (click here for the picta)
4. Types Of Lens...essilor V.Liberty Sh 1.50 Varilux  (picta above is the certificate)
5. Experience with the spectacles....the distortion made me dizzy at first
6.Price...RM985 (inclusive all)
     7. Regret? nay..never...its cute....

PS...Wanna Join? Click The Picta Above...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Food Photography

this is my second time...
of food photography...
dont really turn out good....
need lots of practice...
enjoy the picta everyone...
Seafood Fried Rice


Fried Rice