This is a story of....

On Saturday...
I went to a bicycle shop.....
to buy a Fixie...
Fixie it is....
orange in body, pink and yellow a little here and there...
so cute....
and while waiting for the bicycle to be ready....
adding up a pair of lamp...
a pair of rim cover....
i came across some parts that having label of BMX....
these days...
people are crazy about Fixie...
but back those years early 90s....
we are mad about BMX....
My Dad, bought me one....
when i was around 6....
its small....
and red in color...
happily having the bicycle...
been riding around the village....
across the river....
near the waterfall....
around the bushes....
over the hill...
miss those days...
really miss it...
baru saya tau apa itu fixie.. sana sini ckp psl fixie.. xtau apa benda.. rupa nya basikal.. mmg comel aaa.. dulu suka men. skrg xder basikal.. teringin nak beli p mahal kan??
hihi,selamat berbasikal.nk gak,tp xde ms utk beriadah pn.balik pn dah mghrib.huu.
rindu juga..hee
dah lama xnaik basikal..dl mn main fixie2 ni..heee..
mountain bike basikal ira dl..
skang dah kena jual..hee
miss my oldays..
i think, bmx days are much cooler than fixie
nak satu boleh?hheee
~ada akaun fb ke?/kalau ada nak add^^
~malas sngt nak update skg ni,tak tahu napa^^
ok fixie nak 1 beskal ni
hahaha pergi jalan2 kat kl malam2,slalu nampak bebudak bawak fixie ni...tapi yang wat tensionnyer,dorang bawak fixie ni mcm jalan tu dorang yang punya tanpa risau keselamatan diri dan org lain...=_=
bmx lgkewl...fixie basikal tua yg warna kelabu tu...huhu
mahal kan fixie ni.tapi comel. tp aku tak reti tunggang basikal.bmx pun aku takde. tp zaman kanak kanak tu mengingatkan aku pernah belajar naik basikal sekali kene kejar anjing.pastu aku tak sentuh dah basikal itu.
tak ingat bila last naik beskal hehehe
apesal tak beli mountain bike je. bole main hill. cool !
fixie ni lain ke dgn bsikal2 yg lain.asal hrganya mhl.
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