still remember my previous post....
Wordless Wednesday 2012.2.2?
so today....
i would like to post...
how to prepare it....
Take Two Packs Of Jelly (about 25gm each)
Clean Them Using Plain Water....
Put Them In Bowl (to measure amount of water needed)
Replace Water With Evaporated Milk (any brand will do)
Heat Out Until All The Jelly Melt
Add Some Sugar
When Everything Is Boiled, Add Some Coloring (Optional)
Pour Into Mold (mine is heart and sea shells shapes)
After A While, Take Out From Mold And Ready To Be Served
nice one!
will try it in my spare time.. :))
haha..nampak kiut..
rajin nyerr buat!!...
sedap tak? hihihihi
waaa comel..hihi.mesti sedap ni.
comelnya... ;)
menarik la design dia....boleh try ni
looks yummy!nak cikit..haha
its cute and for sure nyummy kan.. hehehe
wow dear, harus try....actually tengah fikir utk buat something special utk future hubby...and now i dah dpt jwpn...thank dear...
cutey loveyyyy doveeeyyyyy xoxo! lep leppp :)
mcm pernah mkn, tp di mana ya? hmm
kreatifnya..boleh buat hantaran nanti..hehehe tq! =D
meleh lagi air liur ini.perghhhh
yeay~!! resepinye, hehe...
alamak, xde mould yg camtue lak.. >_<
nampak sangat delicious! :D
Wow.....walaupun den ni tak pandi dgn gambo2 tu...leh le den faham...ahakz
comel nye...nmpak sdapp..bleh try ni.. =)
minta skit..boleh?ehhe pos tiada masalah kan?ehheee
Oh.. macam tu je caranya. Mudah dan nampak menyelerakan.. ;D
comel la heart shape tu..heee
Nyum2.. nampak menyelerakan.. nak2.. tak kira (sambil guling2)..hehe
\\( ^_^ )//
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