I would like to share some info of my broadband provider case....
It all started....
(this is not a fairy tales)
When i upgraded my broadband quota...
From 1.5 to 3.0 G.....
It was on Nov 2011....
The sales girl promote it to me...
That i would have to pay and advance of RM 50...
and there will be deduction of RM 10 for each month fo the first 5 months....
Since i really need extra quota to upload and download my photos via google docs mostly...
I agree to upgrade....
And everything goes well...
Got the new sim card and all....
Then i ask the sales girl why i need a new sim card...
I have upgraded my sim card for 3G years ago without changing the sim...
And the answer goes...
" we terminated your old acc and registered a new one"...
Oh my....
I never know this things called upgrading....
She also told me that i can still downgraded back to basic if i wanted too...
Just fine...
The very next month...
I got this similar bill....
And i ignore it...
RM0.00 to be paid...
Who cares.....
Last month...
(the bill above)
Still mailed to my ofice.....
And suddently....
I got a call from the operator in the collection department....
I talk to the guy over the phone....
And his statement....
He said that....
My previous acc....
Was still not terminated...
It was just suspended..
That is what i was told...
He also said that, after three months...
The acc going to be reactivated back...
oh my....
He said that....
Most of the dealer do that...
They just wanted comissions....
And always ignore the termination....
He asked me to go back to the dealer....
And clear things out....
Here i go again....
I went to the dealer...
And tell them what the guy had told me...
And the sales girl there check out for me....
My previous acc was only suspended.....
I told her that they promise to terminated for me before....
And she said that they just suspended the acc...
Because i can redowngreded my acc quota if i wanted to....
And she said that, after 3 months....
It will be automatically terminated....
I just dont want to go here and there anymore....
So i asked the girl to terminate the acc right away....
And ask for terminating letter, since the guy told me to take for my backup if anything happened....
She told me that.....
She can only terminated the acc for me....
But i need to go to the center for the letter...
Just to share....
So for my friends out there...
If u are upgrading or downgrading your acc....
Make sure they terminated the old acc.....
And take the terminating letter right away....
P/s: i dont blame the colection department to call me and tell bad things about dealer ignoring those who terminated coz they dont get comission for that....he might be protecting his customer...
P/ss : i dont blame the dealer....may be they really want to let us redowngraded easier....
P/sss : i have already went to the center and got the termination letter....
P/ssss : dont ask me which operator is it...its not bigdeal....might be the others having the same problem if it involving dealers and centers...
errr tak paham la pasal upgrade2 berukben ni.
takut jadi macam kamu jugak.
payah procedurenya
sebab chemay pon baru 1st time guna p1.
then macam okay je.
malas nak upgrade2 lagi.
biar je dulu.
sebab chemay pon bukan gune sangat internet.
tenet prob...haih...xhabis habis kan...tension aje...:(
pakai p1 tak yah nak upgrade2 lagi..dulu pakai clcm ,rugi je rasa..
eh..baiknye dia..
takda marah2 pn..
kalo kite, mgkin da maki2 kot..?
wah, too bad for customer like us..
bagi nadia kan, lepas neh harus lebih hati2...peringatan utk nadia sendiri.........
emm,cik x pkai broadband so cik x tahu menahu la bnde2 ni..eheheh
pss::maaf cik lame x singgah sni..busy la katakan..jgn marah aw!hehe
take it as a lesson.. hurmmm..
dulu abang pernah kena macam ni,
saye guna je bb nie.. malas nak tambah kuota.. huhu
i dont know anything bout upgrade or downgrade..
hope, xde masalah macam ni..
huhuhu.. sbb tu sy tak brapa sgt nak upgrade.. ada2 jer.. huhu.. tak brani.. sorang ckp len sorang ckp yg len pulak hmmm
wuuu.. kalau CikUna dah confirm2 nages2 sis.. huhu
ini tidak adil untuk pengguna mcm kita.. boleh report di tribunal pengguna ni.. iskhh..
\\( ^_^ )//
saya tak tambah quota.. quota maintain tapi bil bulanan saya kurangkan.. dan memang depa akan terminate akaun lama..
nasib baik takde masalah..(.. setakat nie laa...)
wooo...baru paham...my rumite also got similar prob prev...thanks for this info...=)
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