Kinda busy theese few days....
Do you like sports?
As for me...
I love sports.....
And people called me sports women...
Actually they are not quite right...
My casual foot ware are pairs of sport shoes....
But i only play table tennis...
It start out since i was in school...
Secondary school that is...
I dont like running....
Coz i dont want to be LOL....
I dun really like sun shine....
Actually, i dont feel comfortable sweeting in crowds....
That why i choose table tennis...
I dun have to run a lot....
I dun have to play under the sunshine...
As sweeting? Cant help it...
But its okay...
Coz normally....
They are no crowds at the event...
Just a few supporters...
Since then,
Its table tennis all along...
I went to a sport shop...
We buy a new bat....
Its not mine...
Coz mine is still in good condition....
And i really treasure it...
All the memory remains....
My choice of brand for bat is butterfly....
Normal holder....
Im so not comfortable of pen holder....
Most of seniors OTAI...
Use pen holder bat...
My choice of rubber is sriver....
I prefer sriver fx...
And red in color....
As for black...
Gonna be second choice of rubber....
Psss....Since i have no model at the moment, that table tennis bat become my victim for a while...hehehe...
Heheh...1 Game jom...ada bran?
saya tak pandai main..huhu
The only sport I play, badminton. And I can only win if I play with my younger siblings..Haha
best tue...
yok bukak
eheh :p
dah lama xmain..xreti..kekeke
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