Im still busy with the video a.k.a MONTAGE things...
i wanna share this photo over here...
was taken a few days or weeks ago...
its in front of my gate...
planted not by me....
(dun ask who....i cant tell....i was not there while they plant it...hehehe)
its flower are combination of four colors...
blue, purple, white and pink....
on one single plant....
(but i only manage to capture two colors here)
they are so nice....
i dun know the name of this unique flower...
was planning to shoot BLACK EYEs SUSAN...
i havent had any chance yet...
mesti sangat cerita pokok ni kalo masa bunga banyak...
It is beautiful! almost every photos that you took are SUPERB!! :D
wah.. mesti cantik kan.. ><
this is a very good picture.. upload another 2 color please :D
lawa gambar :)
Nice captured. Kakak loves flowers so much rietta.
nice pic.. :)
sy tak pndai jga bnga..
msti mati..
nice pic...
suka tengok bunga....;)
niceeeeeeeee! like it
nice! indah sungguh ciptaan Ilahi ini..=)
cantik gambarnya..;)
heee..igtkan rieta y tanam.;p
nice.tapi tak tau nama bunga ni.hehehe
cantik bunga nie... amik sendiri ke?
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