Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Version Of Panic Buying

hope everyone is in good condition....
May ALLAH bless us all...

it was yesterday morning....
i was still at work...
as everyone does....
been thinking about indoor fun activities...
for my dear niece....
or at least around the front porch...
since we dont have much space for outdoor activities...

suddenly i was thinking with some ideas...
using printed materials...
and i just realized at that moment...
i was already run out of ink...
for more than a week now...

so the panic attack...
does the computer shop allow to operate during
this 18-31 March 2020 ?
a big ? in my head...
then i went out for lunch...
not buying the food...
but the ink...

PS: Please take care....and dont panic....insyALLAH....


ray said...

yg ni lain macam haha

ShirVen said...

nasib baik ada buka kedai beli ink kan.

Kamsiah yusoff said...

Makan..makan..main hp..semua ada kt rumah ni

Tqa London said...

Hahaha different people, different needs.
Saya pulak panic download. hahah kat rumah takde wifi so sementara boleh tu, saya lepak kat mamak and download segala macam movie baru and korean tv shows yang tak tengok lagi untuk 2 minggu punya entertainment haha

Abam Kie said...

boleh beli dakwat kat shopee sbb poslaju n courier service masih beroperasi skrg ni..

Sihatimerahjambu said...

kene beli online ni. Harap harap berakhirlah dengan cepat covid-19 ni. Aaminn

mamapp said...

Owhh panic betul tu hihii

dear anies said...

yg ni rare hahahaha

Scdha Sein (SS) said...

Makkk aihhh panic buying dia.. Ha Ha ha...