Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Felt Like Narnia

Gambar Sekadar Hiasan...From Pixabay
its the last day (14th)...
of the first phase....
14 days has pass by...
and 14 more to go....
hope that we are doing fine...

the weather here is hot....
but it felt like Narnia...
quiet and calm...
no colors....just plain white....
but summer is waiting....
at the end...

PS: only today i know where to find my reading list...after i switched to the new version of blogger...pity me....


Hsna Rahman said...

Be strong, dear heart!

Himawan Sant said...

Hopefully next month, or tomorrow the 1st, is a good sign that the spread of the corona virus will soon end in any country.

Staf safe
Greetings from Indonesia

ray said...

It's calmer these days.

mrhanafi.com said...

continue for another 14 days

Sihatimerahjambu said...

Hopefully no more another 14 days.

Abam Kie said...

I hope this ordeal will end soon. I need to go back to school badly...

Tqa London said...

I wish the world would go back to normal but with people being more wiser, smarter and considerate.
If you don't mind I ask, where do you live?
I wish my place is quiet, calm and plain white wherever I turn my head.

Scdha Sein (SS) said...

Boringnya laa hai PKP ni... Memerap jek kat umah... Nasib baik tak menetas.. Keh Keh Keh...

Aisya사쿠라♥ said...

I also just switched to the new blogger setting version, lebih kurang je, I like this version better.

ray said...

tq for replying to my comment. yup it is indeed tenang sgt.

mamapp said...

Mama x suka new version.. mama.suka.klasik