Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Welcome November With A Romantic Poem

its already November 2016...
it seem like only yesterday...
we were prepairing for the new year...
and another new year (2017) is coming in 2 months...

the poem above...
given by a chinese girl...
i didnot know Mandarin...
so i asked my chinese friends...
its very romantic...
as they told me...

"moon is shining bright through pine tree
water falls on stone"

adding up
to the collection...
now i have a few 'craft'...
attached,pinned, glued to my walls...


Wani SK said...

suka dengar orang cakap mandarin walaupun x faham .. hiii.. untunglah .. ada orang bagi..

kakitravelkhairuddin.blogspot.com said...

nice sharing

Reen Johari said...

Sekejap je dah masuk bulan November.. Lagi sebulan lebih tahun 2017. Lembaran baru..

dear anies said...

sy boleh tgk je baca mmg x tau ;-)

Lady Windsor said...

whatever month it is, i hope this november will be nice to me:)

Pha Is said...

tahniah.. walaupun saya x paham maksud tersirat poem tu..

Adam said...

"moon is shining bright through pine tree
water falls on stone"

What water was that?

ewanthology said...

cepat masa berlalu

Jari Manis said...

kalau sis JM dpt poem ni...mati kutu hhehe

Lya Amie said...

wah this is rare, dapat poem. nice poem it is