Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Brown Box

its the end of the semester...
and the exam had started this Morning...
English semester 3....

This week is study week...
which means...
there are no classes...

last week was the last class for this semester...
and at the end of the class....
a girl came over...
and handed me this brown box...
said that
her friend...
gave it to me...
and that friend...
is allready in Mesir...
furthering her study...

thanks girl...
for this lovely thing...
it really is priceless....


Lady Windsor said...

real friendship!:)

Kakzakie Purvit said...

Real friendship everlasting and the gift given just as a symbol of it Rietta..

Mizz ErMa said...

alhamdulillah, rezeki akak..nice brooch!

dear anies said...

tmpk lain dr yg lain ;) said...

Priceless gift.

Pha Is said...

tahniah dapat hadiah..

Unknown said...

Woww cantik sangat that brooch. terharu lak bace :')

Pha Is said...


Faiz Zakaria said...

cantik bungkusan tu..

Scdha Sein (SS) said...


OKje said...

Cantik Rieta brooch tu....Yelahkan, nilai ingatan tu yg sangat berharga.
Untung jadi lecturer kan Rieta

Reen Johari said...


Jari Manis said...
