Friday, May 22, 2020

Malam 7 Likur Kami

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...
Maaf Zahir Dan Batin...

some people celebrate malam 7 likur...
during the last 10th days of Ramadhan...
but for us...
we only started to lit up pelita...
on the eve of 27th Ramadhan...

malam 7 likur is just a tradition...
its not really malam lailatulqadar...
coz malam lailatulqadar....
is an unknown night...
at one of the night of the last 10 days...
of ramadhan....

during the night of...
malam 7 likur...
( the eve of 27th Ramadhan)...
we just put up a printed and hand colored banner...
and a small led light...
that we already have at home...
just to lit up...
our night....

we dont have any pelita on...
since we are still in MCO/PKPB...
we dont really feel of going out...
just for some paraffin or minyak tanah...

as long as...
my niece is happy....
i'll be happy too....


Eyna Puzi said...

Meriah decoration raya hehe. Selamat hari raya in advance sis ! 😆

QOMAR said...

For the first time dengat malam 7 likur. Hehe

Abam Kie said...

bagusnya ada acara meraikan aidil fitri mcm ni. PKP pun raya tetap disambut seadanya, kan?

ewanthology said...

rajinnya ... barulah nampak meriah rayanya :-)

anakdenesor said...

yeah will never know when is lailatulqadar.. i pon setup dengan lampu kelip kelip je hehe

Warisan Petani said...

Selamat menyambut raya

Silah Hassy said...

cantiknya deco tu. selamat hari raya Aidilfitri =)

Aisya사쿠라♥ said...

i never knew the term "likur"

mamapp said...

Wahh cantikndan kreatif

ray said...

awww comelnye

Sihatimerahjambu said...

Tahun ni macam tak dengar macam 7 likur. Cantik lampu warna warni tu

dear anies said...

rajinnya diaaa

Nina Mads said...

sekejap saja dh nak masuk tahun baru tup2 dh puasa dh raya

Nina Mads said...

tahun ni pun macam hanya tinggal harapan