Thursday, April 9, 2020

Online Class

My Niece Classes
its 23rd day of PKP...
hope that we are doing fine...

We started our online class again this week....
not only me....
but my niece too...
they are using google classroom....
thanks to her teacher...

she just started her first class today...
and i can see the sincere and happy smile....
appear from her face...
when she saw her teacher...
she really missed class and teachers and friends...

and as for me...
we usually used cisco webex....
but today....
we used zoom...

i do heard about the...
as in photo-bomb....
hope that no such thing happen...
during my class...

If you use...
others platform....
do comment down below...
i wanna give them a try...
thanks in advance....


QOMAR said...

Saya singgah sini& follow

Siti Yang Menaip said...

dulu selalu ternanti2 bilala boleh apply 21century learning ni haaa skrng memang semua pakai technology. tudiaa.. tapi rindu kelas rindu nak tengok muka anak2 murid semua. rinduuu nak membebel hahaha..

Abam Kie said...

sy tgh upload bahan2 ke dlm GC ni. Pas tu suruh murid2 f5 tu study sendiri...

Wak Lat said...

salam PKP tahun 2020., ;p

ray said...

i dont even know what zoom is until pkp haha

AmyZana said...

Kakak saya cikgu tadika. Anak murid dia rindu sgt nak pergi sekolah sampai pakai baju sekolah jalan2 dalam rumah walaupun tengah pkp huhuhu... Selain zoom tak pasti lah app lagi yg effective untuk online learning ni hmm

mamapp said...

Mama Naik risau bila Syafi no cikgu dia rilek je xde buat online class pun

Sihatimerahjambu said...

bagus juga GC dah bermula. anak anak tak ketinggalan berlajar.

The Redza Channelz said...

Cikgu saya guna aplikasi Facebook live untuk online class.

OKje said...

Anak pun ada class online Rieta.... thumb ups utk cikgu yg berdedikasi mcm ni...walaupun cuti tp ada inisiatif utk mengajar