Monday, February 3, 2020

Kadar Tol Baru

starting 1 Feb 2020...
we got additional 18% discount...
for Penang Bridge Toll...

as for previously...
we already given 20% discount...
from previous rate...
(special rate for penangties, residence of Penang and workers in Penang)
RM5.60 (from RM7.00)

and as for today...
(i just tried this morning)...
its only RM 4.59...

been discussing with neighbors on Saturday...
1 Feb 2020....
some were saying we need to apply for a new card...
to get this discounted rate...
some were saying, its automatically discounted....
and i only manage to try this morning...
(its Monday without the blue...)
with the current card that i have been using for years...
(actually had replace the card once...since the validity of the old card was 10 years only)...



Umi Nazrah said...

waalaikumussalam. alhamdulillah semoga sedikit sebanyak membantu lebih ramai orang dengan penurunan harga ni :)

Sihatimerahjambu said...

Alhamdulillah ada juga yang turun harga. Kalau tak semua nak naik harga je. said...

Alhamdulillah Ada juga kurangnya ye ita..

Scdha Sein (SS) said...

turun skit pon jadi lah kan... he he he

Han Hanni said...

makin jimat duit tol especially yang sentiasa ulang alik guna lebuhraya

ray said...

i've never really paid too much attention to this but since i've started to travel around, it became very important to know these details.

dear anies said...

so tambang feri pun turun juga ke?

Abam Kie said...

mujur di kelantan x de tol lagi.

Sha Mohamed said...

Alhamdulillah.. Bila diturunkan harganya, kuranglah sikit terbeban membayarnya..

Nina Mads said...

Alhamdulillah sebagai anak pulau pinang dh syukur turun lg

mamapp said...

Byk juga beza tu.. bagus la