jump skip about our raya story...
its been eid-adha now....
since it durian seasons now....
we have some left over durians...
and as we all know...
durian cant last long if left out in the open air...
so we decide to make some Tempoyak...
never make tempoyak before...
and we are so happy that...
it turn out good....
first attempt was gulai tempoyak...
then sambal tempoyak...
lastly masak lemak tempoyak...
and it turn out to be everyone new favorite...
boleh pos ke sini sket?🙈🙈🙈
Congrats on your first attempt to make tempoyak..
It looks tempting..
walaupun x makan tempoyak tp minat nak try buat sendiri.
maaf. abe kie x makan durian namun ikan patin masak tempoyak tu boleh makan plak!
pandainya buat
Wah.. bestnya kalau ada tempoyak sendiri.. memang 100% dari durian.. Buat gulai. Buat sambal.. pergh!!
Uihh pembuka selera
Bila buat sendiri LG puas hati kn
pandainyaaa buat
makanan lejen ini...
boleh dimasak dengan pelbagai variasi
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