Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Lindsey Kelk

Picta From Google
i love English novels a lot....
it all start out since i was in school...
my English teacher encourage us each to read an English book a week...

my favorite writer are Triple J
Julie Garwood, Jude Devaroux and Judith Mcnaught

But recently...
i went to Popular Book store...
and came across a book written
by Lindsey Kelk
since review from daily express stated as "hilarious"
i just grab one...

when i finished reading it....
Lindsey Kelk is my 4th favorite writer now....


Razf said...

macam menarik said...

nice sharing

dear anies said...

simple je dia punya cover hehehe

mamapp said...

Mama suka juga novel English tapi mmg xde Masa nak baca.. Ada Kat umah belintp x baca

Abam Kie said...

Now I seldom read English novels due to time constraint. huhuhuhu

Jari Manis said...

Wowww..writer yg hebat buat kita suka follow their story kan

Nina Mads said...

bagusnya cikgu BI...

Sha Mohamed said...

Masa sekolah dulu minat baca novel penyiasatan dan seram Inggeris.. sekarang je dah kurang.. sesekali baca juga..