Monday, November 19, 2018

Pusat Ikan Hiasan Port Dickson

Picta From Gugel : Reception Counter
after a day in KL...
we continued our journey...
to PD...

our first pit stop was...
Pusat Ikan Hiasan Port Dickson...
Picta From Gugel : There are lots of fishes...and Nemo always caught my attention
Picta From Gugel : There are lots of corals and corals breeding too (err do we say breeding for corals?)
Picta From Gugel : I always favour of turtle...and this one is too cute to ignore...


dear anies said...

masuk kena bayar ke? berapa RM?

Cik Nor said...

comelnya ikan nemo tu..:)

Kamsiah yusoff said...

Belum sampai lg sini
Dok besa p yg penang tu ja

wahida said...

eh tak tau ada tempat ni...baru lagi ke rietta...

Mimie said...

Eh ada ke... Nama je ornag PD tapi tak explore pun tempat menarik kat PD tuh.. Shame on me!!

Pha Is said...

nice.. knapa x ambik gambar sndiri, baru boleh masuk muka.. hehehe

Abam Kie said...

kena pi sana la. nak byr tiket kat Aquaria atau di langkawi tu x mampu doh lo ni.

Wani SK said...

ikan nemo tu geram sangat hii..

Mia Liana said...

belum ke sini lagi.. cantiknya batu karang tu...

Jari Manis said...

Pesal semua pic from google 😬

OKje said...

Tak pernah tau ada Pusat Ikan ni kat PD... Kat area mana ni Rieta

Nina Mads said...

baru tahu tempat ni

Sha Mohamed said...

Tak pernah sampai sini.. Cantiknya..