Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Old Diary

Picta Credit To Pixabay
Early this week....
i went into my mini library
look for Maths PT3 book
for my friend's niece....

and i saw...
an old diary of mine...

i was forced to write the diary/journal...
in English...
by my English teacher...
during my school time...
years a go....

i took the book....
and sat on the chair...
in the dining room...
read out....
page by page...
and my tear drops spill...
like rain....

all the memories came back....
like a movie in cinema....
AL-FATIHAH to my late dad...

PS: dear sir robert...
i know u donot read my blog...
but i wanna thank you...
because of you...
all the memories remain...
and seal inside the book...
for eternity...


Kamsiah yusoff said...

dah tak ramai yg menulis dairi sekarang ni,kan..
harap Rieta sentiasa sihat walafiat.

Izwa Kamaruddin said...

al-fatihah for ur late father ..

Aryan azra said...

dulu2 akak pun suka tulis diari, cuma sekarang tidak lagi said...

Semoga roh arwah di cucuri rahmat.

OKje said...

Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir batin Rieta.

Alfatihah untuk arwah abah Rieta. Bestnya dapat jumpa diary lama. Boleh baca baca...

Pha Is said...

same as me.. dulu pernah tulis diary dari sekolah menengan sampai masuk Uni.. stop tulis diary sbb dah ada blog.. hehe..

tapi memang, bila baca balik diari tu, boleh menangis woo..

Scdha Sein (SS) said...

Dah malas tulis diary... he he he

Wani SK said...

Alfatihah to arwahh... ..stay strong rietta .. .the feeling when we are writing a diary is different,, compare to blog,, .. diary is still strong to regain our memory ., just my 2 cents.. .

Shiqin Sunshine said...

Al-fatihah...semoga roh ayahanda tercinta dicucuri rahmatNya :) aminn

dear anies said...

ms sekolah dulu rajin tp laa ni malas ke laut hahahaha

OKje said...

Seronoknya dapat baca diary lama. Terimbau kenangan lama kan Rieta. Hakak punya buku buku lama tu tah manalah agaknya huhu...