this lately...
i heard much about Augmented Reality Card...
or also known as AR Card...
i havent try one yet...
i just watched my friend view them via her smartphone...
i got 3 cards...
from a pack of choki choki...
really wanna try them...
but then i dun have smart phone...
and my so called tablet...
are not a compatible gadget...
late in da evening...
my friend's daugther came in...
then, she saw the cards lay on my table...
she told me that she had some too...
we immediately dowload the apps...
via her mom's phone...
those characters came to "life"...
PS : Kak Long, GOOD LUCK untuk trial UPSR...Auntie Know You Can Do It....
PSS : anyone wanna give me a smart phone...my birthday can comes early this year....hehehe...
anak bongsu akak bila main kad2 ni..sepah2kan..so akak ambil penyedok sampah..zup zap zup zap..clear..!!
feveret my kiddos! beli memang nak kan kad boboiboy tu je!
budak2 memang suka...
pstttt.. terima kasih sudi join Segmen Nak URL Blog #24. maaf mia baru sempat nak blogwalking.
blog ini tersenarai dalam http://www.mialiana.com/2016/07/senarai-url-blog-24.html
pemenang diumumkan pada 1.35 petang 26 April 2016
Kad apa tu Rieta....mak lagilah tak pernah tahu hihi
nice sharing
Salam singgah ..benda paling malas nak simpan bila berterabur atas lantai hiii
gud luck kak long!
Goodness! Kakak dont even know abt this Rietta
No kiddos in the house already:)
comel.. hahaha
anak2 sepupu ad juga kumpul benda ni..tapi xpernah try lagi.. hihihihihii
comel je kad nyer
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