Monday, June 27, 2016

Sun Flower Seeds

after its fully bloom...
it dries out as all the other flowers....
but then....
its seeds start to develop...
and after a while...
its ready to be harvest...

Fully Dried N Can Be Harvest

Close Up The Seeds

After All The Seeds Was Taken Out

This Is All From A Flower, Only A Few Can Be Use


Kakzakie Purvit said...

Those days during childhood my late mother planted these sun-flower and we did the same. We even eat raw. We cant wait till the flower fully dried hihi... But fortunately nothing happen you know. How strong children those days:) said...

Sikit jer yg boleh guna ye Ieta..
Boleh buat benih balik lah tu :)

Hasif said...

waa. first time tahu mcm ni rupanya kuaci ni.. :D
bagus ilmu baru dapat hari ini.. terima kasih..

Blogwalking sini, jom baca article seo ini

Terbaru Mengenai Nofollow Link article...

Pha Is said...


dear anies said...

nk kuaci putih pulak ;-)

Wani SK said...

baru tahu macam tu dapat kuaci... nak cuba tanam bunga matahari ni, tapi benih dah beberapa tahun dah beli.. entah boleh pakai ke tak huu.. bunga matahari ni memang cantik...

I am LZ said...

Bukan mudah rupanya utk hasilkan kuaci..
Sekuntum bunga belum tentu mampu hasilkan kuaci yg banyak..
Good info, kalau tidak hanya tau makan tapi tak pernah tengok secara live seperti dalam gambar.. :-)

Jari Manis said...

tgk ni ingat KUACI

Jna marcello said...

wahh best nye!!!!!!!!! susah tak nk menjaga bunga matahari tu

OKje said...

Makan koci ni kadang kadang ada musim, time musim, mmg syok betul makan...segsla koci nak dicuba hihi

Jejari Menaip said...

sy ad tnm jugak.. tapi dlm banyak2 benih tu satu je tumbuh... arghhh..