while I was boiling the water...
suddenly felt something is wrong with plug...
strait away try to investigate...
Oh My...Cant take it off....
Need to use knife and cut any obstacle there...
and this is the result...
![]() |
Somehow Its Short Circuited And Melt The Plug Down...Glued Each Other... |
(its already night by the time)
Boil the water on the stove....
with so not good feeling...
planning to replace the plug the very next day...
but forget to buy the spare part...
the day after next day...
then only i remember....
i got this a few months ago...
in a lucky draw....
Its 1.7 Electrical Jug Kattle |
wahhhhh!nsb baik ada lg stand by elec kettle ye...
sllu msk guna dpr gas je.tp klu klm kbt ada tetamu dtg,mmg kuarkan kettle yg comel mcm sis tu gak he3....
bahaya tu mak cungkil2 power plug guna pisauu.., uHuuuu, beli je yg baru..
Luckily did not affect electricity supply. Its happened to kakak while my eldest daughter ironing suddenly whole house black-out. When hubby checked-out it caused by the iron...
very dangerous if like that kan.huhu
brand UMS? hahah...1st time dengar
Ehhh bahaya tu...takut litar pintas jugak...Dah lama x guna kettle kat rumah...
owh..rietta bahaya nie..tc ya
PM dah last guna cerek elektrik masa bujang dulu...bila dah kahwin wife lebih suka cerek dapur gas berbanding elekrtik...
bahaya gak..kdg2 short kat brg elektrik tu kan..huuuu
huhuhu... rumah ankel pakai cerek air yg biasa je... huhuhu
fuh bahaya tu
kelemahan guna jug elektrik biasanya gini la..
tapi kadang2 tu tak boleh salahkan 100% pada perkakas yg kita guna
bahaya..nasib baik x de benda buruk jadi..
teruk juga. bahayalah >_<
eh sy dl charger fon jd gtu. kemain takut nasib baik fon xrosak, plug je rosak.
bahaya nyer rietta..
mujur takde apa2 berlaku kan...
Haiyaaaaaa old alreadyyyyyy
okje pernah berlaku ni tapi bukan masa masak air ni...masa vacum.... macam tulah jadinya tersangkat nasib kat extension wire je...bukan dekat plug kat dinding tu!
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