last nite i went to popular book shop... buy a book.....
and a carbon paper....
its been quite sometimes since i last went to stationary section....
while i was looking for the carbon paper....
i came across craft tool....
wow....they are so many of them....
and i grab a few....

last nite i went to popular book shop... buy a book.....
and a carbon paper....
its been quite sometimes since i last went to stationary section....
while i was looking for the carbon paper....
i came across craft tool....
wow....they are so many of them....
and i grab a few....
kite pn suka je belek2 craft tool..
mcm rambang mata gitu..
tgk kertas kaler2 pn boleh meleleh air liur.. keh3..
craft tool tuh mcm mne.?
hihi..perkara biasa kalau pegi ke stationery section.lagi lagi kinokuniya.biji mta jd pusing2 tgk bende cute2. so, what did u bought?
.. dan kami tunggu hasilnya.. ;D
rajin2 la rietta buat craft..
nanti boleh ajarkan saya.. :)
PM dah lama tak masuk kedai buku...huhu
sy pun lama x g.. kalo pegi mesti suka tgk pen pensil semuaaaa nak beli haha
slmt ber kraftangan... huhuhu
bestnye :)
akak na buat ape meyh?? naty share2 laa tauu :D
ape yang scissors tu leh wat? nampak macam gunting bese je..
lepas ni mesti ada hasil yg lebih menawan lagi ni...mesti punya lah...
utk buat apa eh carboon paper tu kak?
semenjak dua menjak ni suka juga dgn craft tools...
dah siap pos tau tau tau..
akak langsung tak tahu menahu pasal ni..
tangan tak lembut nak buat craft ni..
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