on Tuesday...
my dear friend AYU...
asked me to help her with her KUEH TRADITIONAL fotography...
so i went to her office at around 5...
(she finished her work at 5)...
after the photo shoot...
we went to Teluk Air Tawar...
and we had YONG TAU FOO there....
it is so nice...
remind me of...
i used to lunch there when i work there on school holidays...
as a PEMBANTU PELAJAR (if im not mistaken, this is what we were call)
the salary is RM 15 per day...
just doing filling....
for post graduate student...
PS : Thanks AYU for the treat....

I like .. :)
temptingnya rupa yong tau fu ni.. cantik gambarnya..
yong taufu kuah sup ke ni?
wahh lama tak pekena yong tau fu. huhu.
lama tak makannn
yong tau foo sup kurang minat, tapi kalau berkuah kacang tu laju jer. kalau lok-lok lagi laju
wahhhh ymmmyliciousss!!! love love love!!!
mcm nak cari je mlm ni...
sedapnya.... kat sini susah nak jumpa yg kuah sup....
aku suka yong tau foo berkuah sup mcm ni hihi sbb sdap..kalau kuah pekat tu kurang skit
#len kali kalau tlintas kl instead of sepang, roger ya' =)
suke..suke... (^___^)
tak pakai makan benda ni.serius.
#minum soya pun sy muntah^^
Tiba² macam terngidam pulak makanan enak ni.. ;D
Mixed with some chilies more umph... and thumbs-up rietta... sweating after the bowl empty hihi....
semua best bila dibelanja..ihiks
mengiurkan but betul mengegarkan diri yg sedang diet neh
bena sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yong tau fu!! hee
yummy~ da lama xpekena yong tau foo..hehe cantik lah pic yang tuan belog tuh edit..=D
sedap2.. lame dah tak makan yong tau foo ni..
yong tau foo bg aku makanan yg menyihatkan sbb tak berminyak. tp aku kadang memilih tmpt jugak sbb pernah kene dah basi. uuh...tp ttp tak putus asa utk ngap kalau dah ada depan mata. sakit perut fikir kemudian..hahahhaa
Makanan kegemaran ku...nyum2, kat perhentian seremban punye pun best, kalau g KL, mesti singgah jap.
the very sorry, lately kebizian sket lama tak BW here kan, so many pic.....like like like :D
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