Sorry for the late entry....
Caught up with flu...
Actually we went on CNY evening....
My sister and my cousin jog there....
Me and my mum just enjoying the greenery of mother earth....
I really enjoy shooting all the flora there...
And not to forget....
A fauna there....
Dont want to waste anymire time...
Let us enjoy...
The beauty of flora....
That i have shoot...

whoaa..nice pixs sis..:)
cun dah tu..jeles ni..hehee
#apa kata kat sidebar tu kecikkan sikit,so pic yang diupload boleh jadi besar lagi,,sekadar pendapat hina..
#sy edit guna cs5.kalau resize dia memang akan buat gambar nampak capture pun bukan guna format jpeg,tapi NEF..jadi tak hairan satu gambar sampai 10mb ke atas,leh resize jadi kecik guna cs5 tapi masih berat..dalam 2,3mb macam tu..kalau resize guna image converter sampai 2,3kb boleh,tapi gambar dah efek ni..
wah...cantik pics...plan nak g penang ujung minggu ni, tp cancel...aargghhhh
cantek betul bunga2 kat sana .. satu hari nak g hehe
Thanks sibuk g jogging...akak sibuk amek gambar...hehehe...
Rietta trus pkai jpeg...sbb rietta mls nk edit...pkai raw pown sebab gmbar kwen kwn...rietta bercita cita utk jd photografer yg xyah pksu manual....hahaha...rietta cuma resize ngn tmbah initial....crop pown jrg sgt...
T rietta cuba godek gogek templet erk...kecikkan side bar...
Kat sna memang cantik....klu dtg cni...pgi la...phi taman botani...sebelah jew..lg byk monyet...
Memang sangat cantik...nanti bila ada masa pergi la sana...
wahh cantiknya gambar..pndai snap2!!heee ;p
mmg dok penang ek?heee
Kampung kat Penang Island...xde la pndai...sedang belajar....hehehe...
Admire with all the captured. Wondering you & your mum enjoying the beauty together... bring along the DSLR while jog eh....
nice shot and flowers but me, still addict with rose....
Thanks...yeap me and my mum enjoying the scenery....and i capture the moment via my dslr....but, only my sister and my cousin jog...
Thanks nadia....ill capture roses if there is any....but, there none there...huhuhu....
tak sihat yea..
get well soon!
jgn lupa mkn ubat tau..hee
it seems you are good at taking picture, beautiful :)
Cantik imej-imej pegun tu!
Kami baru balik dari Penang cuti CNY lalu...
template tu boleh ejes.senang je..cuba minta ajar ngan nak explain tapi ada nak tdo dah ni..sok keja ot malam pula..hehe
#kalau tak dapat juga,sy tlong nanti ye..slmt mlm^^
bunga taik ayam tu kalau tengok gitu2 je macam tak menarik...dah shoot cmni nmpak cantik!
cantik bunga-bunganya..
salam kenal dari saya :)
pandainya rietta ambik gambar..
rietta :)
ni blog baru bena tau :
cantek gambar2 tuu , semua bunga jerr kan . hee :P
macehhh selalu lawat blog kedaibena . hikhikhik :)
Thanks ira....dah kurang dah demamnye...tapi batuk plak....huhuhu..... in da process of learning....wish me luck k....
Haah akk...bunga bunga kt stu semua cntik x kt penang?
The flowers are beautiful, dik!
Take care, semoga cepat sembuh :)
Awk...dh cuba dh....xberjaya larr awk...nanti bla free tolong yea...
Btl tu....bila dh tnam byk byk....cantik jerks nampk....
Memang sangat cantik....xjemu pegi sana selalu...salam kenal untuk awk juga....
Xde budak baru belajar....
Okeh....t rietta follow erk...mesti larr lwat belog kwn kwn...
Thanks akak...dah makin sembuh dah nie...ALHAMDULILLAH..
Serius rindu nak jogging lama²..
Bunga² tu semua cantik belaka.. Ada 4,5 jenis sama dengan bunga yang mak aku tanam..
Iyea Sof....rajinnye mak ko....rietta cuma tnam orkid jew....
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