Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Full (not Fool)

My schedule for April is full....
Starting today....
Layparking at library with anak dara...

Next week on 8th....
InsyALLAH to Pulau Aman....
15 th....
Prepairing for the exam i guess...
Still in the exams week...
Prepairing to KL insyALLAH....


eva said...

gudluck for ur exam ;)

نورعيم said...

padatnya jadual akak. apa2 pun good luck :)

cha zainol said...

pulau aman? bset. aku pernah pergi.

eita said...

selamat berjaya....

Amy Syahirah said...

good luck ;)

Sihatimerahjambu said...

pack jadual bulan april ye..btw,good luck for your exam.^_^

Liselle MonCherie said...

All the best for you! :D <3

ankeljonni said...

gud luck n slmt membizikan diri... huhuhu

AnakPakZohar said...

pack nye schedule.. =)

hope dipermudahkan segala urusan.. ^^

Unknown said...

pulau aman katne? macam penah dengaq... hohoho
moga dipermudahkan segalanya...insyaALLAH (^___^)

ch000tz said...

damnnnnn.......cepatnyer kann!

Jahirah said...

wah bznye dia.....moga semua urusan mudah ye...

Hanie Dew said...

aku nampak yang last tu preparing to KL. hehehehehehehe..

Hanie Dew said...

oh.6 hari ada keje ke saje jalan jalan. kalau lalu klcc wekkdays roger la aku & jue. bole meet up. huhuhuhu